- JMA Asia arketing Executive Conference
- The Japan Marketing Association hosted the Asia Marketing Executive Conference at the Keidanren Hall on February 26, 2008. The conference invited top marketing executives from China, Korea, Hong Kong and India, and discussed the future of greater Asian market and successful marketing strategies in this dynamically changing region.
- JMA World Marketing Conference"Marketing2001:Toward Creation and Innovation"
- JThe Japan Marketing Association hosted the World Marketing Conference at the Tokyo International Forum on April 13 and 14, 1998. Most of the discussions focused on new problems of business and marketing, and the conference investigated current marketing methodologies in search for a new paradigm in this multi-valued society
- Marketing Study Tours
- Overseas Marketing Study Tours provide valuable opportunities for participants to expose themselves to international marketing experiences. This variety of tours include the "Executive Seminar Tour," the "International Study Tour for Female Marketers", and the "International Conference Tour." JMA also organizes study tours to rapidly growing Asian countries and regions.
- International Marketing Seminors
- JMA invites globally active scholars and business persons to provide opportunities for marketers to learn about international problems and to foster their global perspectives.
公益社団法人日本マーケティング協会は、わが国が戦後の復興からようやく成長期に入ろうとする昭和32年、産業界の先達によりいち早く創設されまし た。以来、当協会は産学協同の下にマーケティングの理論と技法の研究、教育、普及に努め、わが国の経営の近代化と産業の発展に力を注いでまいりました。 現在、世界的視野に立って事業内容を飛躍的に拡充するとともに、北海道から九州まで協会組織の全国化を実現、マーケティングのナショナルセンターとして活力あふれる活動を展開しています。